2018 Tasmanian Energy Forum Presentations

2018 Tasmanian Energy Forum Presentations

Emily Wood | March 14, 2018

Dear Delegates,

It was great to see you at the Tasmanian Energy Forum this year. We trust you found the event valuable and insightful and an opportunity to further your networks in Tassie energy.

Below you will find the presentations from the afternoon event. Thank you again to all of our presenters for sharing their wisdom, ideas and vision and sharing these presentations with us. If you have any questions, please email euaa@euaa.com.au

Bess Clarke, Tas Networks: TasNetworks_Bess Clark

Christopher Gwynne, Hydro Tasmania: HydroTasmania_Gwynne

Simon Himson, Tas Gas Retail: TasGas Retail_Himson

Marc White, Goanna Energy: 2018 03 08 EUAA TEF – GOANNA ENERGY PRESENTATION


Thanks again to our event sponsors whose support is greatly appreciated and ensured a successful forum.

https://www.tasnetworks.com.au/ .   https://www.tasgas.com.au/




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