EUAA Submission: AEMC Victorian Government Derogation - RERT ERC 0283

EUAA Submission: AEMC Victorian Government Derogation – RERT ERC 0283

Emily Wood | November 21, 2019

‘In this current application, the Victorian Government, drawing on the August 2019 AEMO ESOO and other sources, argues that there is evidence of material changes since May 2019 that warrant re-opening of the issue under an expedited rule change process. Our previous submission on this matter focused on whether the derogation should be considered by way of an expedited rule change. We argued against an expedited process because:

• While there has been a material change in conditions since the publication of the 2019 ESOO, these changes are positive meaning the level of expected USE in Victoria in 2019/20 is now forecast to be below the reliability standard

• We understand that AEMO has already procured sufficient RERT contracts to cover the expected 2019/20 USE risk identified in 2019 ESOO

• We are not satisfied that the purchase of additional RERT for 2019/20 meets the NEO

We are pleased that the AEMC has given due consideration to the matters raised in our and other submissions and decided to review this application under the normal rule change process.’

Please see attached for full submission.


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