EUAA Submission: Victorian Gas Distribution Resets 2023-28

EUAA Submission: Victorian Gas Distribution Resets 2023-28

Emily Wood | May 9, 2022

‘… This submission provides a combined response to the Draft Plans by AGN, Multinet, and AusNet Services gas distribution networks in Victoria for the period 2023-2028. Its focus is on two key themes – consumer engagement and the future of gas. While it does not respond to the specific questions asked, the commentary covers many of the issues referred to in the questions.

At the outset we would like to congratulate all three networks on the quality and comprehensiveness of their Draft Plans. The development of a Draft Plan has been a significant factor in improved consumer engagement on network resets in recent years. It has highlighted the benefits of early engagement to allow consumers to better understand the complexities of a network reset, particularly one involving issues around the future of gas in an energy system transitioning to lower carbon…’

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