EUAA Submission: Reliability & Supply Adequacy Framework For The East Coast Gas Market - Stage 2

EUAA Submission: Reliability & Supply Adequacy Framework For The East Coast Gas Market – Stage 2

Emily Wood | July 13, 2023

‘…. Our membership covers most of the major gas users in the east coast gas market who all rely on reliable and competitively priced gas for their business sustainability. This has long not been the case through a combination of restrictions on the development of new gas supply sources and the exercise of market power by gas producers that has long highlighted in ACCC Gas Reports. We have been a strong supporter of the Mandatory Gas Code and look forward to that contributing to members being better able to source that reliable and competitively priced gas.

This short submission gives the EUAA’s high level views on the main aspects of the Stage 2 proposals. We have previously made submissions on stage 1 of this process to give AEMO extensive powers in the east coast gas market. In that submission we:

  • Expressed our concerns about giving AEMO broad and discretionary powers in the gas market without a clear economic justification,
  • The market should be left as much as possible to solve the supply issues with intervention as a very last resort, and
  • noted that the proposed powers did nothing to increase the supply of gas, only to try to manage what is available and ensure it is in the right location at the right time…. ‘

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