EUAA Submission: APA Direct Link Revenue Proposal 2025-30
Emily Wood | January 17, 2025
‘…. The EUAA has participated at all stages of APA’s development of its 2025-30 revenue proposal and we make the following brief comments on the AER’s Draft Decision and APA’s Revised Revenue Proposal:
- Subsequent to the publication of the Draft Decision, APA’s consumer engagement continued at a high standard in line with expectations in the Better Resets Handbook; we also commend APA for the readability and clarity of both the engagement materials and the Revised Proposal
- We support the Draft Decision on opex to not include the proposed end of life costs and the apprentice step change On the former, APA accepted the Draft Decision; we look forward to engaging with APA on the best way of recovering those costs that is equitable to current and future consumers of these costs for a standalone asset
- On the latter, we do not think the additional information provided in the revised proposal e.g. a locally sourced electrician justified the step change; as we have previously submitted, these costs are a normal part of ongoing business activities and do not meet the requirements for a step change ….’
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