EUAA Submission: Emissions Reduction & Resilience Plans - Tasmania's Industrial Processes & Product Use Sector, & Tasmania's Energy Sector

EUAA Submission: Emissions Reduction & Resilience Plans – Tasmania’s Industrial Processes & Product Use Sector, & Tasmania’s Energy Sector

Emily Wood | October 7, 2024

‘…We note that Tasmania has taken a different approach to other Australian jurisdictions to its emission reduction and resilience plan, mainly due to Tasmania reaching net zero emissions in 2014. However, Tasmania still has significant work to do to maintain this position and to meet its 200% renewable energy target.

It is pleasing to see that in developing the draft sector plan for both the industrial processes and product use (IPPU) sector, the Tasmanian Government has recognised the difficulty these businesses have in abating their emissions, due to either or both a lack of commercially available alternatives, or through a lack of available capital…’

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