EUAA Submission: AER Electricity Transmission Ring-Fencing Guideline Version 5
Emily Wood | January 28, 2025
‘…The EUAA supports an equitable transition of the NEM to reach net zero-emissions. This must be undertaken efficiently, while ensuring the NEM continues to be fit-for-purpose and has full transparency in all investment justifications, including costs and tender processes. The EUAA was concerned that without a rule change to close the gaps in the transmission ring-fencing framework identified by the AER, that there was potential for TNSPs to impact competition, thereby increasing the cost of the transition and by extension cost for consumers.
Following the recent rule change to rule 6A.21.2 of the National Electricity Rules, to achieve functional separation of TNSP’s (or their related electricity service provider – RESP), the EUAA supports the AER’s approach to the draft Electricity Transmission Ring-Fencing Guideline Version 5. In particular, we commend the AER in requiring:
- uniformity by subjecting all negotiated services to ring-fencing obligations;
- that the TNSP must not discriminate directly or indirectly;
- extending information access and disclosure requirements so that they capture all information obtained by a TNSP in the provision of negotiated services…’
Please download attached document to read full submission.