Time to end RET Gridlock

Emily Wood | March 26, 2015

The Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) today calls for an end to the gridlock over the Renewable Energy Target (RET). ‘There are many different views on the RET scheme, and there has been sufficient time for argument and discussion,’ said Phil Barresi, EUAA Chief Executive Officer. ‘It’s time to reach agreement and end the gridlock.’ The EUAA urges the Abbott Government to agree to the 33,500 gigawatt hours proposed, and calls on the Labor Opposition to extend recent offers of bi-partisanship to this issue and back such a proposal. ‘This is a higher target than the EUAA has supported in the past, however, our members are willing to support this increased impost,’ said Mr Barresi. ‘The uncertainty surrounding the RET has gone on long enough. While an impasse exists, industry is being held to ransom by political posturing.’ As part of any compromised agreement between political parties, energy users call for a reassessment of the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) and the exemption for Emissions-Intensive Trade Exposed (EITE) industries to include all heavy and moderate users. The EUAA joins organisations as disparate as the Aluminium Council, the Clean Energy Council and the Australian Industry Group urging the Government and Opposition to “split the difference” between their stated limits and compromise at 33,500 gigawatt hours by 2020. ‘Certainty is a foundation stone of investment,’ said Mr Barresi. ‘Energy users call on our political leaders to reach accord on this issue without further delay.’

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