AEMC Draft Determination - Providing Flexibility In Allocation Of Interconnector Costs

AEMC Draft Determination – Providing Flexibility In Allocation Of Interconnector Costs

Emily Wood | August 1, 2024

‘… The EUAA supports the Commission’s Draft Determination.  The Commission have struck the right balance between implementation of political decisions while keeping the AER at arms-length from the decision and allowing for a more equitable allocation of costs between jurisdictions (as agreed by governments), where the number of connections and therefore the net bill impact could be vastly different following the current allocation process in the NER.

However, we are concerned about the timing of the proposed commencement date (1 September 2025) for the rule change, and its interaction with AER’s decision on APA’s application for the conversion of Basslink from a market asset to a regulated asset (scheduled for a decision in February 2025). …’

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