EUAA Submission: AEMO ST PASA Replacement Project - Generator Recall Process

EUAA Submission: AEMO ST PASA Replacement Project – Generator Recall Process

Emily Wood | July 19, 2024

‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under AEMO’s ST PASA Replacement Project – Generator Recall Process. This submission supports the submission made by Shell Energy on this matter. In addition to this, the

EUAA emphasises the following points:

• We agree that there are potential significant benefits with the proposed rule change to change recall time from the current static “within 24 hours” to a single dynamic recall time provided by the generator for each Dispatchable Unit Identifier (DUID) every 30 minutes as part of a generator’s ST PASA submission.

• However, AEMO is now proposing to change the single recall time to three recall time blocks (and available capacities at those times) every 30 minutes for “short recall time”, “maximum capacity recall time” and “LOR2/3 recall time”. While we can see that the change from a single static recall time to a single dynamic recall time every 30 minutes will likely have benefits that outweigh costs, we cannot see how having three recall time blocks will multiply…’

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