Expansion Of Gas Pipeline Capacity Welcomed By Energy Users

Expansion Of Gas Pipeline Capacity Welcomed By Energy Users

APA’s announcement of its East Coast Grid Expansion Plan that will progressively see increased availability of gas for eastern and southern gas markets is welcomed by the Energy Users’ Association of Australia, (EUAA), the leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users. “Manufacturers based in Australia’s southern states have become very concerned about the […]

Industrial Decarbonisation Summit: A partnership with the Energy Efficiency Council

As the world acts to lower emissions, there are big opportunities for industrial businesses. Harnessing our plentiful renewable energy resources to power industry promises to open a new competitive advantage, exporting low and zero emissions products to the world. The EUAA has partnered with the Energy Efficiency Council on the 2025 Industrial Decarbonisation Summit, coming to […]

2025 EUAA National Conference

Registrations are open for the 2025 EUAA National Conference! We are set to bring key decision makers across all parts of the energy landscape together with large C&I to share knowledge, build relationships, and hear the latest analysis on market trends and changes on the road to net zero. Join us in Melbourne on May […]

EUAA Submission: Victoria’s Renewable Gas Directions Paper

‘… At the EUAA, we support the design of rules, legislation and procedures that achieve efficient, cost effective and equitable outcomes for networks, developers and consumers.  As the proposed Victorian Industrial Renewable Gas Guarantee currently stands, it does not achieve these outcomes as it is trying to achieve a cost reduction for a limited group […]

EUAA Submission: AER Electricity Transmission Network Service Providers Service Target Performance Incentive Scheme Proposed Amendments

‘… The EUAA supports the design of incentive schemes in order to achieve efficient, cost effective and equitable outcomes for networks and consumers. If an incentive scheme is no longer working, the EUAA encourages re-designing the incentive scheme so that it functions as it was intended. With a changing NEM, this may require regular updates […]

EUAA Submission: AEMC National Electricity Amendment (Inter-Regional Settlements Residue Arrangements For Trnasmission Loops) Rule 2025 Draft Determination

‘… When AEMO first proposed to operate Project Energy Connect (PEC) as a transmission loop, we recognised that this would have detrimental financial implication for consumers. As we suggested to AEMO in our submission to them: The EUAA is aware that the building of PEC will already impact customer’s bills through increased TUOS in NSW […]

EUAA Submission: AER Electricity Transmission Ring-Fencing Guideline Version 5

‘…The EUAA supports an equitable transition of the NEM to reach net zero-emissions. This must be undertaken efficiently, while ensuring the NEM continues to be fit-for-purpose and has full transparency in all investment justifications, including costs and tender processes. The EUAA was concerned that without a rule change to close the gaps in the transmission […]

Green Aluminium Production Credit Will Deliver Benefits To Industry, Regional Communities & Drive Additional Renewable Energy

The Federal Government’s announcement of a Green Aluminium Production Credit provides an important tool for the industry to continue to grow whilst helping Australia to reach its emission reduction goals, said leading advocate for commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) . “We congratulate the Federal Government on this […]

EUAA Submission: APA Direct Link Revenue Proposal 2025-30

‘…. The EUAA has participated at all stages of APA’s development of its 2025-30 revenue proposal and we make the following brief comments on the AER’s Draft Decision and APA’s Revised Revenue Proposal: Subsequent to the publication of the Draft Decision, APA’s consumer engagement continued at a high standard in line with expectations in the […]

EUAA Submission: AEMC National Electricity Amendment (SA Jurisdictional Derogation – Interim Reliability Reserve Eligibility) Rule

‘… The EUAA has considered the request by the proponent to establish an exclusion for South Australia to clauses 3.20.3 (g) and (h) of the National Electricity Rules. These clauses prevent AEMO from negotiating with generation plants to supply interim reliability reserves (IRR) if they have participated in the National Electricity Market within the last […]

EUAA Submission: SA Department of Energy & Mining – Firm Energy Reliability Mechanism Proposed Scheme Design Consultation Paper

‘… The EUAA support the pursuit of net zero targets but this must be achieved at least cost, not at any cost. To do this, we support the creation of efficient, transparent markets and supportive, well-targeted government mechanisms and incentives. Additionally, we seek an equitable allocation of the costs and risks associated with the transition […]

The Energy Debate Needs To Change

The release of the Federal Coalitions energy policy last Friday saw the usual round of technology driven debate and dissection of economic modelling.  The Energy Users’ Association of Australia’s (EUAA) view is this isn’t helpful as it ignores the key question – how are you going to do it? “All too often the energy debate […]

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