EUAA Submission: Review of the Retailer Reliability Obligation

EUAA Submission: Review of the Retailer Reliability Obligation

‘…The EUAA has been generally supportive of the RRO since its introduction. However recent events have led us to the conclusion that it is not operating as was originally intended, or at least not always in consumers’ interests. The reliability rules around the T-3 trigger are now effectively irrelevant When originally introduced the policy, intent […]

EUAA Submission:  Review Of The Form Of The Reliability Standard & Administered Price Cap REL0086

‘… In summary the EUAA:  Supports the current form of the reliability standard and consider the current form is still the best option in a renewables dominant grid  Supports continued use of the AER VCR values to assess what consumers are prepared to pay for reliability  Recommends that the Panel takes account of the impact […]

EUAA Submission: AEMO Review Of Technical Requirements For Connection Under Schedules 5.2, 5.3 And 5.3A Of The National Electricity Rules

‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under the Review of Technical Requirements for Connection Under Schedules 5.2, 5.3 and 5.3A of the National Electricity Rules Draft Paper.  The EUAA acknowledges the necessity to update connection rules as new technologies are adopted by market participants. EUAA’s support is provided where rule changes are […]

EUAA Submission: Review of Interim Reliability Measure

‘…This submission does not support the extension of the Interim Reliability Measure (IRM) beyond its current expiry date of 30th June 2025. Contrary to what the Commission argues in its Draft Report, we do not consider an extension is in the long-term interests of consumers. …As the Draft paper notes, the selection of the reliability […]

EUAA Submission: VNI West Consultation Paper – Options Assessment

‘…This submission is short because we believe that the implementation of the NEVA order by the Victorian Government leaves us with virtually no ability to influence the PACR cost benefit analysis. While the NEVA order may speed up the process it does not fill us with confidence that the project will deliver net benefits for […]

NRF & Safeguard Mechanism Working Alongside One Another Will Be Key For Heavy Industry Transition

The National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) and the Safeguard Mechanism legislation that have secured support this week are critical elements that must work together to support the decarbonisation and modernisation of Australia’s manufacturing sector, provided we get the details right, said leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia […]

EUAA Submission: National Battery Strategy Issues Paper

‘…the proposed National Battery Strategy comes at a time of escalating costs across the entire economy alongside the requirement for rapid transformation of the energy sector, including the need for batteries to provide firming capacity and other network services.  For EUAA members, electricity and gas costs have risen significantly and while there is still much […]

EUAA Welcomes News of National Reconstruction Fund Support

The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), Australia’s leading advocate for large C&I energy users, welcomes news that the Government, with support from the Greens, has ensured the National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) legislation will pass. “The National Reconstruction Fund is a great start to a long-term decarbonisation journey for our heavy industry,” said EUAA Chief […]

EUAA Submission: AEMO Reliability Forecasting Guidelines & Methodologies

‘… Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under the Reliability Forecasting and Methodology Consultation.  This submission supports the submission made by Shell Energy on this matter. EUAA agrees with all arguments put forth by Shell Energy. EUAA would like to draw particular attention to: Perceived Conservatism in AEMO’s Reliability Forecasts As stated […]

EUAA Submission: Safeguard Mechanism Reforms Positions Paper

‘…Like all business, EUAA member companies are also dealing with supply chain and labour constraints, significant increases in material costs, rising interest rates and broader impacts of inflation on overall costs and consumer demand. These issues will be accelerated in the short to medium term as the staggering levels of government support in the USA […]

EUAA Submission: Proposed ADGSM Guidelines

‘…In summary we support the proposed ADGSM Guidelines as part of a broader suite of gas market reforms being pursued by government. The revised ADGSM, the Heads of Agreement between the Commonwealth and LNG Shippers, the proposed Gas Industry Mandatory Code of Conduct with “fair and reasonable” pricing provisions and ongoing market monitoring and reporting […]

EUAA Submission: Victorian Gas Access Arrangement Proposal 2023-2028

‘…This submission provides a combined response to the Revised Proposals presented to the AER by AGN, Multinet (MGN), and AusNet Services (AusNet) gas distribution networks in Victoria for the period 2023-2028. Both AGIG and AusNet Services are EUAA Corporate Partners so we have a well-established relationship built over many years of open and respectful dialogue […]

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