EUAA Submission: Gas Industry Mandatory Code of Conduct

EUAA Submission: Gas Industry Mandatory Code of Conduct

‘….The EUAA strongly supports the Federal Government’s proposed mandatory code of conduct (the Code) for the east coast gas industry. ACCC reports have repeatedly shown over the last six years that the east coast gas market has failed to provide a competitive outcome for consumers with producers being able to exercise market power. Our members […]

EUAA Submission: Incorporating An Emissions Reduction Objective Into The NEO

‘After reading the AEMC’s “How the National Energy Objectives Shape Our Decisions”, the inclusion of emission reduction objectives in the national energy laws would appear to have little-to-no impact, as state and federal emissions reduction and climate policies are already considered in all decisions. However, further analysis shows that the most likely impacts for the […]

Latest ACCC Report Highlights Ongoing Domestic Gas Market Issues Despite Assurances From Producers

The latest Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Gas Inquiry Report once again reveals a dysfunctional domestic gas market with escalating prices and a potential gas shortfall despite ongoing reassurance from gas producers that prices offered are reasonable and there is no gas shortage, said Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “Australian domestic energy consumers […]

EUAA Submission: 2022 Forecasting Accuracy & Improvement Plan

‘…This short submission supports the submission made by EUAA Supporting Member Shell Energy on this matter. EUAA agrees with the arguments put forth by Shell Energy. EUAA would like to draw particular attention to ….’   Please download attachment to read full submission.

EUAA Submission: Transgrid 2023-2028 Revenue Determination

‘….As we highlighted in our previous submission, the most striking aspect of the engagement to date, including recent engagement, was not what was included but what was not included in the engagement process, with many ISP and REZ contingent projects seemingly “out of scope”. While technically this can be justified, a very strong desire was […]

EUAA Submission: ESB Transmission Access Reform Directions Paper

‘Thank you for the opportunity to make another submission on Transmission Access Reform. As we have said in previous submissions, efficient transition and management of our energy system will require close coordination between new entrant generation and efficient levels of transmission infrastructure. We had long-hoped that transmission access reform, in its many guises, would deliver […]

EUAA Submission: Gas Price Cap Instrument

‘…The EUAA has consistently highlighted, and the ACCC has consistently concluded, the existence of market failure in the east coast gas market. This has been caused by a combination of factors highlighted by the ACCC in its regular gas market reports. We agree that while a price cap is a relatively blunt instrument, more preferable […]

Energy Policy Legislation An Opportunity To Deliver Fairness For Energy Users

Australia’s perilous energy position has been years in the making, but today Parliament has the opportunity to pass legislation that will help ease cost pressures for many Australians and smooth the transition to net zero. “The Energy Users’ Association (EUAA) is supportive of the package being put to Parliament today, aiming to ease energy prices. […]

Energy Package Shows Governments Willing To Stand Up For Energy Users

Energy users’ welcome recent announcements from Australian governments that seek to support the national interest and stand up to gas industry bullies on behalf of domestic energy consumers. “We congratulate Federal and State governments on developing a balanced approach to the gas crisis that looks after domestic energy users and the national interest while preserving […]

EUAA Submission: Changing HER Sample Periods & Australian Treasury Advice

‘…The EUAA supports the recommendation of the AER Consumer Reference Group that the sample period for estimating Historical Excess Returns should run to the 31st December 2022….’ Please download attachment for full submission.

EUAA Submission: Ring Fencing Waiver For DNSPS To Bid Voltage Control RERT To AEMO

‘…With the expected increased demand for RERT in the future, the addition of another source to the AEMO tender process should have benefits for consumers in lowering the costs of RERT they would otherwise pay. The only issue we have relates to the DNSP’s use of capital paid for by consumer under the network’s regulated […]

Gas Industry Misdirection Can’t Hide The Truth

The latest attempt by the gas industry to hoodwink energy users and the Federal Government with their campaign of misdirection and manipulation is yet another example of an industry that takes the Australian public for granted and our Governments for fools. “The media statement released late yesterday by gas industry lobby group APPEA, clearly shows […]

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