‘…In our earlier submission on the calculation of LNG netback prices, we supported the development of a 5 year forward LNG netback price. We have reviewed the proposed methodology from Gaffney Cline. While we do not have any particular expertise in these matters, the approach proposed by Gaffney Cline appears robust. We appreciate the sensitivity […]
‘…The EUAA are becoming increasingly concerned by what we believe to be a gradual decline in good engagement process and sound governance of many aspects of the NEM. If this trend continues consumers will lose confidence in the ability of our peak regulatory and market bodies to deliver outcomes that are consistent with the NEO. […]
‘…It is surprising given the AEMC’s role to further the National Electricity Objective, that it seems to regard this rule change as a simple administrative process where the outcome is obvious. The Commission sees it as non-controversial and hence can easily be dealt with in an expedited process (p.3): “The rule change does not impact […]
Australia’s leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), congratulates the new Labor Government and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on their federal election victory. The EUAA and its member companies look forward to working with the new government as we transition our energy system and those that […]
‘The EUAA welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the Consultation Paper. We have been very much involved in developments in gas pipeline regulation in recent years that have led to the recent reforms around Part 23 and other matters. We saw those reforms as crucial to enabling a more competitive gas transport market at […]
‘…The EUAA has been a member of the Murraylink Electricity Transmission Interconnector Stakeholder Engagement Group from its inception. APA has sought to engage in a productive and open way throughout this process. The fact that it is a relatively small asset with a correspondingly small impact on consumer bills makes it difficult to get engagement […]
‘… This submission provides a combined response to the Draft Plans by AGN, Multinet, and AusNet Services gas distribution networks in Victoria for the period 2023-2028. Its focus is on two key themes – consumer engagement and the future of gas. While it does not respond to the specific questions asked, the commentary covers many […]
Australia’s leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), today outlines the challenges and opportunities for the next federal government and calls for greater unity and cooperation between all governments, the energy industry and consumers. Reports in recent weeks that detail escalating electricity and gas costs provide […]
‘….While the scope of this review is clear, its eventual impact may be somewhat limited. The Issues Paper says that this consultation is about the reliability standard and settings for the period 1 July 2024 to 1 July 2028 in an energy only market. Yet there is a widespread expectation that the ESB 2025 work […]
‘…We appreciate the opportunity to respond to the CRIS. Our ability to respond to the questions asked has been constrained by the absence of detailed information in the relatively short CRIS. Normally a public consultation on a major policy proposal of this nature would have provided much more data and analysis in a public document […]
‘… This submission comments on the Access Proposal. The EUAA is a member of the APA Stakeholder Engagement Group. We consider the following to be the key issues during the engagement: The nature and form of the engagement – where it sits on the IAP2 spectrum The ‘future of gas’ and how the current Victorian […]
As another large synchronous generator is earmarked for early closure, the peak body representing Australia’s commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), has cautioned that the impacts of an additional large asset departing the National Electricity Market (NEM) is likely to be higher wholesale prices. This, coupled with the costs […]
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