‘…The EUAA has previously made a submission requesting that the AEMC not expedite the process under s96 of the NEL[1]. We proposed that the rule change should be considered under the normal two stage review process. In the absence of a Commission decision on our earlier submission, we provide this submission on the basis that […]
‘…The fundamental proposition in this submission is that an appropriate level of rigour is possible without sacrificing timeliness, particularly in the context of our view that it is community social licence that is driving timeliness, not the rigour of the RIT process. …’ Please download attached to read full submission.
The latest Electricity Statement Of Opportunities (ESOO) report from AEMO should leave no one in any doubt about the scale of the challenge before us in transitioning our electricity markets to net zero. “Transitioning our electricity system is going to be hard, expensive and full of risk as has been outlined in the latest ESOO […]
‘…As we have observed recently, the lack of affordable gas was a significant contributor to the National Electricity Market suspension as gas fired generators withdrew bids as they could no longer cover fuel costs under an administered price cap of $300MWh. We are also observing a significant increase in the cost of many everyday items […]
Leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes the release of the Safeguard Mechanism Consultation Paper and the government’s commitment to genuine consultation with key stakeholders on pathways to net zero. “EUAA members are some of the biggest energy users in Australia, providing essential goods and […]
‘…Too often consumers see policy being proposed that is in the interests of others including investors, market participants, technology providers, developers, shareholders or even governments. While we should pursue opportunities where interests are aligned, the long-term interests of consumers should never be subservient to the interest of others. A guiding principle for all EUAA energy […]
‘…The EUAA’s earlier submission on this matter did not support the rule change. As we noted in our presentation to the recent Forum, we appreciated the AEMC publishing a Directions Paper and not proceeding with an expedited process. It is certainly not a non-controversial matter as submissions and subsequent discussion have shown. We also appreciated […]
‘…We welcome this opportunity to respond to the Victorian Transmission Investment Framework Preliminary Design Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper) and look forward to a productive, collaborative process with the Victorian Government. As always our mission is to ensure the long-term interests of consumers are met. As an independent group representing consumers we feel well placed to […]
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Interim Gas Report yet again paints an alarming picture for Australian energy users who have been raising concerns about the state of Australia gas markets for many years. “Projected domestic gas shortfalls, potential market power issues and evidence of escalating contract prices should ring alarm bells for all […]
‘…The EUAA supports the pursuit of net zero targets but this needs to be done at least cost, not at any cost. Understanding the costs, risks and timelines of the transition is critical to good decision making by governments, investors, regulators and customers. We welcome this opportunity to respond to the Victorian Off Shore Wind […]
‘…We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Capacity Mechanism High-Level Design Paper (Design Paper). We have already made a submission to Project Initiation Paper (February 2022) and are pleased to see that a number of issues we raised have been reflected in the Design Paper, although much more work needs to be […]
‘We welcome the opportunity to make comment on the Stage 2 Draft Recommendations for the Transmission Planning and Investment Review (the Draft). We agree with the overall objective of the review to ensure the timely and efficient delivery of the required major transmission projects to achieve our net zero target. We seek to achieve net […]
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