EUAA Submission: Review of Reliability Standard & Settings

EUAA Submission: Review of Reliability Standard & Settings

‘…We welcome the opportunity to make comment on the review of reliability standard and settings.  While the Draft’s assumption is that this standard and settings from this review will apply until 30 June 2028, the outcome of recent Energy Ministers’ discussions suggest the introduction of some form of capacity market will occur much earlier than […]

Gas Substitution Roadmap A Measured Step Towards A Less Gas Dependant Victoria

Australia’s leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes recognition by the Victorian Government of the enormous challenges involved in moving away from gas in the updated Gas Substitution Roadmap. “Gas is a fundamental input into the everyday life of most Victorians and a key driver […]

The AEMO 2022 ISP Highlights The Scale, Risk and Opportunity Of The Energy Transition

Australia’s leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), has welcomed the release of the 2022 Integrated System Plan (ISP) and congratulates the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and the many stakeholders who contributed to making this the most comprehensive ISP to date. In a time of […]

EUAA Welcomes Next Stage of ESB Capacity Market Design Process and a Technology Neutral Approach

Australia’s leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes the release of the Energy Security Board’s (ESB) Capacity Mechanism High-Level Design Consultation Paper as a pragmatic, technology neutral approach. “The ESB’s critical role in designing a post 2025 market has come into sharp focus in recent […]

EUAA Submission: ESB Transmission Access Reform Discussion Paper

‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the ESB Transmission Access Reform Discussion Paper (Discussion Paper). We appreciate the work being undertaken by the ESB across a number of key areas of the Post 2025 Market Design Project, especially given the time pressure they are under to deliver advice to energy ministers […]

EUAA Submission: AEMO 2022/23 Budget

‘…This submission focuses on two issues: the level of engagement on the proposed budget has fallen well short of best practice we have no idea whether AEMO is a financially efficient organisation in the exercise of its obligations under the rules So we can make not comment on whether the proposed budget should be supported […]

Time For The Gas Industry To Step Up For Domestic Customers And The National Interest

Australia’s leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), today calls for the gas industry to step up and play an active role to minimise the damage to the domestic economy of the unprecedented energy crisis sweeping the nation. Gas and electricity prices are at stratospheric levels. […]

EUAA Submission: Humelink Early Works Stage 1 CPA

‘… The EUAA supports the pursuit of net zero targets and support building new transmission infrastructure that will help enable it.  However, we must pursue net zero at least cost, not at any cost.  Central to this outcome is that new transmission delivers robust net market benefits along with ensuring that consumers do not wear […]

Protected: 2022 National Conference Presentations

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EUAA Submission: ACCC Netback Price Estimates Methodology

‘…In our earlier submission on the calculation of LNG netback prices, we supported the development of a 5 year forward LNG netback price. We have reviewed the proposed methodology from Gaffney Cline. While we do not have any particular expertise in these matters, the approach proposed by Gaffney Cline appears robust. We appreciate the sensitivity […]

EUAA Submission: AEMC Improving Consultation In The Rules

‘…The EUAA are becoming increasingly concerned by what we believe to be a gradual decline in good engagement process and sound governance of many aspects of the NEM.  If this trend continues consumers will lose confidence in the ability of our peak regulatory and market bodies to deliver outcomes that are consistent with the NEO. […]

EUAA Submission: National Electricity Amendment ERC0335

‘…It is surprising given the AEMC’s role to further the National Electricity Objective, that it seems to regard this rule change as a simple administrative process where the outcome is obvious. The Commission sees it as non-controversial and hence can easily be dealt with in an expedited process (p.3): “The rule change does not impact […]

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