‘… The EUAA supports the Commission’s Draft Determination. The Commission have struck the right balance between implementation of political decisions while keeping the AER at arms-length from the decision and allowing for a more equitable allocation of costs between jurisdictions (as agreed by governments), where the number of connections and therefore the net bill impact could […]
‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under AEMO’s ST PASA Replacement Project – Generator Recall Process. This submission supports the submission made by Shell Energy on this matter. In addition to this, the EUAA emphasises the following points: • We agree that there are potential significant benefits with the proposed rule change […]
As Australia’s energy and climate ministers prepare to meet this week, our organisations reinforce the importance of a certain, credible and consistent policy framework to business, industry and investors; the community sector; consumers; advocates for the environment; farmers; people and communities experiencing disadvantage; property and the built environment; and workers. Australia’s energy systems provide an […]
The latest Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Gas Inquiry Report, released today, shows that while some progress is being made to build a workably competitive gas market, key reforms like the Gas Industry Code of Conduct are very much a work in progress, noted leading advocate for commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ […]
‘…We believe that any improved cost estimates should be delivered at an AACE Class 3 or better, or else the early works do not save consumers’ costs and only leads to the TNSP transferring risk to consumers. Likewise, saving time on long-lead time items only benefits if the TNSP can manage the rest of the […]
‘…Under current RRO obligations, retailers, large energy users and, notably, bi-directional units (BDU) with annual electricity consumption (from charging from the grid) above 10GWh per annum, are liable entities to the RRO. However, BDU provide other services, including contingency and regulation Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) lower services (including the new 1 second very fast […]
Today’s release of the 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP) from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) highlights the challenges, risks and opportunities of decarbonising the energy system, along with the urgent need to better manage the ‘messy middle’ of the energy transition that we have entered. “It is evident that better coordination, more collaboration and […]
‘… The EUAA is a strong advocate for stable government policies that encourage investment without government unduly limiting technical capability or capacity. The current Consultation Paper combined with the Consumer Advocate’s and NDCCEEW’s interpretation of the EII Act are creating an environment of sovereign risk, discouraging investors and limiting technical capability of the NSW storage […]
‘…The EUAA supports effective community engagement. We see it as a critical part of the transition of our energy system towards net zero. In our view, without effective community engagement we put at risk the entire transition. An effective community engagement plan should be built on best practice and, as the IAP2 Guidelines for Public […]
‘… Powercor currently holds an electricity distribution licence under the Electricity Industry Act (Victoria) 2000 (EI Act) in the western half of Victoria. The EUAA understands that Powercor has applied for an electricity transmission licence to cover the same geographic area as its current distribution licence to improve competition for the connection of customer facilities […]
‘…AEMO has created models for electricity consumption and DSP as inputs into the 2024 Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) and presented these to the FRG. While we agree or have no opinion on most of the modelling and the assumptions behind those models, we have prepared this submission to recommend amendments to some assumptions as […]
Reports over the weekend that the Federal Coalition is considering stepping away from Australia’s net zero targets is concerning, said leading advocate for commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “Business needs the certainty of a bipartisan approach to invest in technologies that allows it to compete in a […]
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