A couple of days ago the Energy Users’ Association of Austraila (EUAA) publicly supported the Victorian Government’s belated realisation that we need to rapidly boost domestic gas supplies. Confidence to invest in new Victorian gas supplies is near zero which means we need a consistent, cohesive set of policies to restore the confidence of those […]
The Victorian Government commitment to fast tracking new gas supplies to support local manufacturing, heavy industry and peak power generation is welcomed by leading commercial and industrial energy user advocate, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “The Victorian Government’s Economic Statement that lays out a plan to bring new gas to market and to […]
‘… We appreciate the opportunity to provide this submission on AusNet Services Variation Proposal to its 2023-28 Access Arrangement (AA) for its Victorian gas distribution network. The EUAA was deeply involved in all stages of the original AusNet Services access arrangement for 2023-28 – we were a member of the Expert Co-design Panel working with […]
Today’s announcement of a review into the National Electricity Market, led by an expert panel of highly regarded and knowledgeable experts, is welcomed by leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “The path to net zero is becoming more challenging and so we welcome today’s announcement […]
‘…The EUAA sees orchestration of Customer Energy Resources (CER) and maximising utilisation of distribution and transmission infrastructure as critical components of an efficient transition to a net zero electricity system. One part of the puzzle for ensuring CER’s active participation in the NEM is the ability for CER to be integrated into the electricity market […]
‘…. Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the “Allowing AEMO to accept cash as credit support” rule change Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper). We would like to disclose that the rule change proponent Delta Electricity, is a Supporting Member of the EUAA. We have spoken to Delta Electricity about this rule change, […]
‘… The EUAA supports an equitable transition of the NEM to reach net zero-emissions. This must be undertaken at least cost to consumers while ensuring the NEM continues to be fit-for-purpose while having full transparency in all investment justifications, including costs and tender processes. The EUAA was concerned that without a rule change to close […]
‘… We make the following comments in support of our position. In our earlier submission on this matter, we noted the lack of information provided by the AER to help us answer the questions we were asked. We appreciate the analysis provided in the Draft Decision on the potential impact of regulation on pipeline tariffs, noting […]
‘… There is no doubt that recent extreme weather events in Victoria and forecasts of an increased incidence of these events throughout the NEM have brought the issue of how networks and their customers deal with those events to the forefront of public debate on the impact of climate change. While the AER issued its […]
‘… The EUAA supports AER’s role in ex-ante reviews of draft system security network support payment contracts to ensure that system security investments by TNSP’s are prudent and efficient. We do, however have concerns with the Draft Guideline as it currently reads. Firstly, the option Consultation on an application at part 3.4 of the Draft […]
We’re kicking off the year with a Tasmanian Member Mixer on Tuesday February 18 from 4-6pm kindly hosted by Solstice Energy. This will be a chance to catch up on the latest energy news as well as what is on the horizon in 2025. Prior to the drinks we are also able to offer an […]
‘…Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the draft Fact Sheets for electricity transmission and distribution. We make the following suggestions which are focussed on the ‘What is productivity benchmarking?’ sections…’ Please download attachment to read full submission.
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