‘….We support the current classification and agree that the energy policy context in South Australia means there is no need for an abolishment service. Proposed Tariff Approach We support continuation of the price cap form of regulation and consider this preferable to either a revenue cap or hybrid approach…..’ Please download attachment to read […]
‘…. The EUAA supports the AER developing a Position Paper in the first 60 days after submission by the Network Operator, instead of a Draft Determination, or as per ISP contingent projects, no report. We believe that the timeframe required to develop the Position Paper while allowing for consultation and a determination does not allow […]
‘…. The EUAA recognises that the ISP is (currently) a transmission transition plan to enable the replacement of coal fired power generation with Variable Renewable Energy (VRE). It is therefore appropriate that the ISP calculates the emissions reduction potential for both the proposed transmission network and the generators that will connect to it in the […]
‘… The EUAA makes this short submission supporting AER’s revised timeline with additional consultation in the Basslink Commencement and Process Paper. APA’s application to convert Basslink from a Market Network Service Provider (MNSP) to a prescribed Transmission Network Service Provider (TNSP) is a complex process that requires additional consideration and consultation. We consider that: In […]
The Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) Update released today, clearly demonstrates the impact of closing down old electricity assets before new assets are generating, said leading advocate for commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “We congratulate AEMO on this important ESOO update that […]
‘… The EUAA participated in most of the stakeholder meetings and engaged with APA at all stages of their preparation of the proposal. This was a considerable and very welcome improvement in stakeholder engagement compared with that which was done for the current regulatory period reset. There was a genuine effort put into ensuring wide […]
Energy users welcome today’s announcement from the Federal Government signalling a Future Gas Strategy that is pragmatic in its approach to future energy and considers the needs of the country and the community as we transition to a zero-emission future. “We welcome the Future Gas Strategy,” said Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) Chief Executive […]
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‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Enhanced Wholesale Market Monitoring and Reporting Guideline. While the Issues Paper covers both electricity and gas, our particular focus is on the east coast gas market given it has substantially less transparency to consumers than the National Electricity Market. The […]
‘… We support governments setting policies to drive the transition to net-zero, but governments need to be seen to be supporting the transition financially instead of transferring the costs and risks to consumers. We are concerned that at some point in the not-too-distant future, consumers will be unable or unwilling to continue funding the transition. […]
‘… In our earlier submission on this matter[1], we set out our reasons for not supporting the proposed expedited process with particular focus on the proposed methodology for residential and small business customers. We are generally happy with the direct cost methodology being used for customer with demand >10MVA, though we would appreciate the opportunity […]
Today’s announcement of grants under the federal Powering the Regions Fund to help heavy industry decarbonise is welcomed by leading advocate for commercial and industrial (C&I)energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “Large businesses are critical to Australia’s economy and also key to our energy transition,” said EUAA Chief Executive Officer, Mr Andrew […]
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