In the absence of national, bipartisan energy policy that provides investors and energy users with sufficient comfort to enter into long-term agreements it may be necessary for a level of intervention as outlined in Recommendation 4 of the ACCC Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry. Under the circumstances and in the absence of short to medium term […]
Thank you to delegates, presenters and sponsors for making the Queensland Energy Forum in Brisbane on November 1 such a success. Our speakers have kindly made their presentations available to delegates. Please find them below. Any questions, please contact Session 1 – If the NEG is dead, what’s next? Speaker 1 – Steve Quilter […]
Project Marinus is the TasNetworks proposal to build a second interconnector between Tasmania and Victoria. The PSCR is just the first stage of a longer process and begins to more formally scope out the project and gather initial feedback from stakeholders. We commend TasNetworks on this early stakeholder engagement. The EUAA are yet to adopt […]
The peak body representing large energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes the Federal Government’s Underwriting New Generation Investment consultation paper which proposes a number of strategies aimed at addressing some fundamental issues within the electricity sector. The consultation paper outlines opportunities to bring greater certainty to financing new investment which aims […]
Ahead of the Council of Australian Governments Energy Council meeting this week, representatives of Australia’s small and large businesses; conservation groups; energy network, supply and services sectors; investors; property sector; and social services sector have together agreed that driving down electricity costs is urgent, and that addressing emissions and reliability are not only critical in […]
See attached Reponse to Over the Counter Transparency in the NEM submission.
The debate around the competitiveness of the NEM has continued for many years. Consumers claim that generators have been “manipulating” the market and generators respond that they are “operating within the rules”. Change have been introduced eg “good faith bidding” rules in 2015 that were designed to address the perceived market manipulation. Consumers argue that […]
Essential Energy has welcomed five new members to its Customer Advocacy Group (CAG), including CEO of the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), Andrew Richards. The group is one of Essential Energy’s core customer forums, representing local communities in ensuring the regional NSW poles and wires business consults closely and stays attuned to local issues. […]
Schneider’s Weekly Outlook is available to full EUAA Members as part of their membership and also available to Schneider Electric clients. This is a brief excerpt from this weekly outlook. If you’re interested in learning more about Schneider Electric Research and Forecasting services, please contact us at
Today, the Federal ALP have laid out a national gas plan that could decouple domestic gas prices from international LNG prices if thoughtfully implemented and well managed. In particular, the introduction of a permanent gas export control trigger could play a central role in lowering domestic gas prices and is a step beyond current Federal measures, which […]
We have reviewed the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) and have consulted with other end user advocates who have been most useful in the preparation of this submission. We have also spoken to a number of our South Australian and New South Wales members, many of whom have not been consulted directly by either Electranet […]
An opportunity to regroup and refocus on the positives in energy. The Queensland Energy Forum at the Hilton, Brisbane, on November 1 from 1-5pm + drinks, brings together a group of insightful speakers who will share the the latest in market intelligence on gas and electricity, consider options for now and the future to ensure […]
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