EUAA Submission: Supplementary Submission RERT Enhancement

EUAA Submission: Supplementary Submission RERT Enhancement

In our submission on this matter in late July, the EUAA highlighted how our members had recently received invoices for RERT, sometimes totalling hundreds and thousands of dollars, which were unexpected and not budgeted for. In many cases there was little explanation for this cost from their retailer. Members efforts to get detailed explanations of […]

Summary of EUAA Submissions July-Aug 18

The attached document provides a summary of recent submissions made by the EUAA to a raft to of energy issues. If you’re not already on a committee and want to get more involved, please contact us via

Have we just wasted the last 2 years on the energy policy rollercoaster?

Two years of expert analysis, exhaustive engagement with a wide range of stakeholders and an unprecedented level of agreement on an energy policy that provides an improved level of certainty for investors and a managed transition of our energy system, appears to have been a waste of time, energy and money after the Prime Minister’s […]

We’re planning something special!

We are working on a new, exciting event so stay tuned for details to be released shortly!    

EUAA Welcomes Endorsement of NEG

“Positive endorsement of the NEG in Canberra brings further hope to energy users who want to see the policy implemented,” said Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Richards, from the peak body representing large energy users, The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “We have an opportunity to implement a bipartisan energy policy to bring to an […]

AusNet Services Price Reset Consultation Information

DRAFT AGENDA: FRIDAY 24 AUGUST 10-12 NOON Customer Forum process – update, further consultation on in and out of scope matters in lead up to submission Price – reliability trade-offs for business customers and outage communications Experience of the interface with AusNet Services Views on the matters that are in scope in the AER Guidance […]

EUAA Submission: AER Issues Paper – NSW Electricity Distribution Determinations

Our members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due to escalating energy costs. Many of our members have operations in NSW, including some with operations across all three DNSPs and have borne large rises in network charges over the last decade. There have been […]

Stop Circling the Airport, its Time to Land the NEG

While today’s announcement from COAG confirms that talks to resolve the impasse on the National Energy Guarantee (NEG) will continue, energy users are concerned that remaining in a holding pattern for too long only increases the risk that system reliability will fall and consumer costs will go up. “Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) encourages […]

If NEG is Rejected, Do You Have a Plan B?

For those who are considering rejecting the NEG, Australia’s peak body representing large energy consumers, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), would ask this simple question. What is your plan B and why is it better than this proposal? “Based on what we have seen and heard, there are no alternative plans,” said EUAA […]

Energy Security Board has listened to energy users, now it’s up to our politicians.

With the release of the National Energy Guarantee (NEG) Final Detailed Design late yesterday, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) is calling on politicians from all sides of the debate to support the NEG as the best available opportunity to bring an end to the energy and climate policy chaos of the last 15 […]

EUAA Submission: Enhancement of the RERT Mechanism

The current uncertain state of the NEM and the tightening supply/demand balance supports the need for AEMO to have an efficient and low cost RERT type mechanism as part of its operational levers to meet the reliability standard. The EUAA also recognise the important potential role of the RERT in AEMO’s procurer of last resort […]

Essential Energy drones take power network inspection to new levels

Essential Energy is utilising innovative drone technology to inspect power poles, zone substations and other critical electrical assets across its network. Drones provide an efficient, cost-effective alternative to the regular ground-based and aerial inspections Essential Energy undertakes as part of its extensive maintenance program. The drones – or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – capture vital […]

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