The leading voice and advocate for large energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) has called on state and federal governments to coordinate energy and climate policy in the wake of todays Hazelwood power station announcement. “To ensure the best outcome for consumers, communities and the environment we need all of our governments […]
Energy and climate change policy has tended to be pursued in policy silos by state and federal governments. If this continues it is likely to result in higher costs than is necessary and potentially threaten energy security… Contact for more details
What changes should be made to the current test to improve its efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the National Electricity Objective? And, is the RIT-T test fit for purpose? …. Contact for more details.
The leading voice and advocate for large energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia, will tomorrow welcome Australian energy users, politicians and energy experts to its first South Australian energy forum. ‘The South Australian energy market has been firmly in the spotlight over recent times,’ said Andrew Richards, CEO of the Energy Users Association […]
In the past, greater interconnection between states was seen as a desirable outcome and was assumed that competitive prices, improved reliability and energy security standards were a natural outcome. However … Contact for more details.
One of the key drivers of recent increases in electricity prices has been the unprecedented escalation in network tariffs. While some increases may be justified… Contact for more details.
Organisations representing Australia’s energy industry and consumers of all sizes have united in calling for a cooperative and strategic response to Australia’s energy transition and challenges, as Australia’s energy ministers gather in the aftermath of South Australia’s electricity blackout. Australia is undergoing a major transition towards a lower carbon emissions economy and new technologies for […]
The leading voice and advocate for large energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia, has welcomed todays announcement by the South Australian government that it will provide additional market oversight powers to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). “Energy users are keen to see greater transparency in energy markets and look to peak regulators like […]
New Bills to investigate, monitor and report on anti-competitive behaviour by power generators The State Government will give notice today that it will introduce two new Bills that will seek to protect South Australian energy customers from unfair trading practices by electricity generators. The Bills will give the Australian Energy Regulator additional powers to monitor […]
The leading advocate for large energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) has today called on governments to work with industry and communities to increase the supply of gas, both conventional and unconventional. “Gaining sufficient supply of gas at fair and reasonable prices continues to be a key concern for major gas users,” […]
The COAG Energy Council has agreed to significant reforms and a major new program of work to ensure the energy system remains affordable and reliable as we transition to a lower emissions future. Council focused on three key areas of reform: Increasing liquidity and transparency in gas markets Empowering consumer choice Ensuring […]
The Energy Users Association of Australia have today called on the COAG Energy Council to take control of the transition to a lower carbon energy sector and to protect energy users from escalating energy costs. The EUAA is the peak industry body representing the interest of large energy consumers in Australia who are becoming increasingly […]
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