EUAA Submission: South Australia - Amendments of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 To Establish A New Planning & Forecasting Function

EUAA Submission: South Australia – Amendments of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 To Establish A New Planning & Forecasting Function

‘… The EUAA notes that the whole of system planning function of the National Energy Market (NEM) was transferred to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) by each NEM jurisdiction when AEMO was established by the Council of Australian Government’s.  This has allowed AEMO to develop and publish the important biennial Integrated System Plan (ISP), […]

EUAA Submission: NSW Renewable Fuel Scheme

‘…The EUAA supports further investigation of renewable sources of gas as a replacement and/or supplement to traditional sources of methane. The EUAA notes that Australia is limited to supplying only 22.5% of the current natural gas consumption from biomethane,1 with most currently operating biogas plants supplying small electricity generation units or being flared. There are […]

EUAA Submission: ACCC Proposed Determination Under The Gas Market Code

‘…The EUAA has been a strong supporter of the Gas Market Code (the Code) because our members have seen first had the exercise of market power by gas suppliers. The market our members have been operating in, and which has been highlighted by successive ACCC Gas Reports, is far from the Code’s purpose: “…to facilitate […]

EUAA Submission: AEMO Project Energy Connect Implementation Directions Paper

‘…This short submission supports the submission made by Shell Energy on this matter. EUAA agrees with the arguments put forth by Shell Energy. EUAA would like to emphasise the following points: • The EUAA is aware that the building of PEC will already impact customer’s bills through increased TUOS in NSW and SA. • The […]

EUAA Submission: AER Directions Paper – Social Licence For Electricity Transmission Projects

‘…The development of social licence guidelines is a growth industry. We have the recently published AEMC final rule change on enhancing community engagement in transmission building1, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water working with States as part of the National Energy Transformation Partnership to improve community engagement and speed up project […]

Energy Users Urge Coalition To Support Gas Code Of Conduct For The Benefit Of All Australians

Energy users are urging the Coalition to support the Mandatory Gas Code of Conduct to ensure gas is sufficient available at reasonable prices for households and businesses. The gas industry Code of Conduct, which is designed to ensure that Australian households and business have access to Australian gas at fair prices and on reasonable terms, […]

EUAA Submission: AER Draft Decision (Non Contestable) – Waratah Super Battery 2024-29

‘…The EUAA understands that the Waratah Super Battery project has been designated as a priority transmission infrastructure project under the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act (NSW) 2020 by the NSW Government.  From this perspective, the EUAA recognizes that the project will proceed and be subject to the Transmission Efficiency Test specific to NSW, which has similar […]

EUAA Welcomes Federal Government Expansion of Capacity Investment Scheme

The Federal Government’s announcement of an extensive expansion of the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) is welcomed by leading advocate for commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA).  While more detail design work is yet to come, the enhancements are expected to encourage substantial additional investment in renewable energy generation and […]

EUAA Submission: Future Gas Strategy Consultation Paper

‘… We understand that this consultation paper, broad as it is, will set the direction of travel for future gas strategy and that additional consultation on more specific issues will ensue over the coming 12 months.  We look forward to remaining engaged in this process. The EUAA and its members propose that the Future Gas […]

EUAA Submission: NSW Inquiry into the Feasibility of Undergrounding Transmission Infrastructure For Renewable Energy Projects..

‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under the NSW Parliament’s Inquiry into the feasibility of undergrounding the transmission infrastructure for renewable energy projects. The EUAA is completely understanding of regional community’s frustration, the part they play in the NEM’s renewable transition and the impact that transmission infrastructure can have on their lives. […]

EUAA Submission: Regional Benefit Directions Procedures

‘…The EUAA supports a process for establishing a regional benefit factor (RBF) derived from an AEMO Direction (direction) for the purpose of distributing the cost associated with the direction equitably and transparently. The EUAA agrees with Principles 1 to 4 presented in the Regional Benefit Directions Procedures consultation paper, whereby for each direction, AEMO must […]

Treasurer Chalmers Maps Out A Pragmatic Framework To Achieve Net Zero While Supporting Australian Industry Evolution

In a speech delivered yesterday Treasurer Chalmers highlighted both the enormous challenges to be overcome if we are to achieve net zero but also the opportunities for Australia to leverage its comparative advantages and reform Australian industry. The Treasurer is absolutely correct to point out that balancing ‘near-term risks and longer-term rewards’ while also  ‘addressing […]

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