‘…While the EUAA support the principle of a price-responsive resources mechanism to drive additional flexible demand-response from commercial and industrial (C&I) consumers, we acknowledge that participating in such a mechanism is not seen as a high priority for many C&I consumers. To increase their participation, any mechanism must represent a relatively simple, low risk and […]
‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under AEMC’s unlocking CER Benefits through flexible trading consultation paper. The EUAA sees benefits in creating consistency in the regulation of the services that are currently being supplied through third parties (such as FRMP’s) with those that already exist for retailers. The EUAA understands that price-responsive […]
‘…The EUAA was one of the proponents of the Material Change in Network Infrastructure Costs rule change. While our proposal covered both transmission and distribution projects, our focus was on large transmission projects, particularly ISP projects. Our original proposal in January 2021 highlighted the significant increase in ISP project costs over the course of the […]
The NSW government response to the Electricity Supply and Reliability Check Up conducted by highly respected energy expert Cameron O’Reilly, provides a welcome review of the current state of the energy transition in the state, highlighting the challenges but also the opportunities to improve outcomes for consumers, said leading advocate for large commercial and industrial […]
The Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) 2023 Energy Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) is a sobering read and highlights the risk to all energy users from as early as this summer, said leading advocate for large commercial and Industrial energy users, the Energy Users ‘Association of Australia (EUAA). “AEMO has finally said what many have been talking […]
‘…The EUAA welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) Public Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper). Our comments will be relatively brief given it is clear that most of the key design decisions have already been made and that the initial round of CIS auctions has already commenced1. SPECIFIC COMMENTS Identified […]
‘…This submission supports the submission made by Shell Energy on this matter. In addition, the EUAA would like to draw particular attention to: • The EUAA supports the AEMC’s position not to proceed with the implementation of an operating reserve market at this time. We view an operating reserve market as being unnecessary due to […]
‘The wording the AER have used makes it clear that the overall principle of the National Energy Objectives will be maintained (i.e. the interests of the consumers) and that the emissions reduction objective will sit alongside the existing objectives and not above the them. The EUAA notes that the Federal Government will release its proposed […]
‘The EUAA welcomes the proposed methodology in the AEMC Guide to applying the emission component of the NEO for the use of its discretion to balance the emissions reduction objective against existing objectives: “We will consider and balance the emissions reduction component alongside the existing components, in a way that promotes the long-term interests of […]
Today’s announcement by Federal Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen that the government is moving forward with the development of a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) “will be a welcome addition to the industry decarbonisation kit bag” said leading advocate for commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). A […]
‘…The EUAA supports the Waratah Super Battery project and its designation as a priority transmission infrastructure project by the NSW Government. The EUAA does not support TransGrid’s proposal to remove the Capital Expenditure Sharing Scheme (CESS) for over-spend on the project…’ Please download attachment to read full submission.
‘… The EUAA supports the AEMC creating consistency between the East Coast Gas System (ECGS) and the Designated Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM), including the compensation and dispute resolution mechanisms, recognising that AEMO has more influence and control over the DWGM than it does the ECGS. The EUAA believes consistency between the two systems would create […]
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