‘… This short submission supports the submission made by EUAA Supporting Member Shell Energy on this matter. EUAA want to see efficient and effective market mechanisms to manage reliability with the ultimate goal of delivering a least cost transition to net zero. The recommendations proposed by the AEMC and the comments made by Shell Energy […]
‘…The EUAA generally supports claims for lost revenue by energy market participants during periods of market intervention where the claimant can demonstrate that: There is a genuine limitation to the claimants output capability or capacity due to a proven technical or commercial limitation that results in reduced revenue through the market intervention period, i.e. the […]
‘… Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under DEECA’s Victoria’s Renewable Gas Consultation Paper. The EUAA supports further investigation of renewable sources of gas as a replacement and/or supplement to traditional sources of methane. It is pleasing to see that DEECA have recognised that hard to abate sectors (i.e. high heat industrial […]
‘…While the EUAA support the demand side participation (DSP) mechanism to drive additional flexible demand- response from commercial and industrial (C&I) consumers, we acknowledge that participating in such a mechanism is not seen as a high priority for many C&I consumers. To increase their participation, any mechanism must represent a relatively simple, low risk and […]
The EUAA is supportive of the AEMC rule change to improve engagement in relation to large transmission infrastructure. There are a number of elements that in our view should be used to assess success in this area and should be part of the implementation plan to achieve a better outcome in communities. Delivering the energy […]
‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under AEMC’s National Electricity Amendment (Improving Security Frameworks for the Energy Transition) Rule 2023. This short submission supports the submission made by Shell Energy on this matter. In addition, the EUAA would like to emphasise the following points: The EUAA strongly recommends that the AEMC’s next […]
‘…We are impressed by the comprehensive approach the Government and Powerlink are taking in developing both the Partnership Framework and the REZ Roadmap. Through our role on the Powerlink Customer Panel, we have participated in the development of the Supergrid Landholder Payment Framework and are currently a member of the Powerlink Sub-Panel looking at Supergrid […]
The Gas Industry Code of Conduct which is designed to ensure that Australian households and business have access to Australian gas at fair prices and on reasonable terms, appears to be in doubt as the senate are yet to pass vital legislative amendments needed to bring it into force. The Senate Standing Committee on Economics […]
The latest Interim Gas Report released by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) provides reassurance to Australian energy users that there is gas available to meet domestic needs, said leading advocate for large commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “It does bring some relief to see the […]
‘…While the EUAA support the principle of a price-responsive resources mechanism to drive additional flexible demand-response from commercial and industrial (C&I) consumers, we acknowledge that participating in such a mechanism is not seen as a high priority for many C&I consumers. To increase their participation, any mechanism must represent a relatively simple, low risk and […]
‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under AEMC’s unlocking CER Benefits through flexible trading consultation paper. The EUAA sees benefits in creating consistency in the regulation of the services that are currently being supplied through third parties (such as FRMP’s) with those that already exist for retailers. The EUAA understands that price-responsive […]
‘…The EUAA was one of the proponents of the Material Change in Network Infrastructure Costs rule change. While our proposal covered both transmission and distribution projects, our focus was on large transmission projects, particularly ISP projects. Our original proposal in January 2021 highlighted the significant increase in ISP project costs over the course of the […]
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