Carbon Tax Repeal Positive Step In Energy Reform
Emily Wood | July 18, 2014
Energy Users welcome the end of the political debate as the Carbon Tax Repeal legislation passed through Parliament earlier this week, however urge the Government to continue energy policy reform to ensure affordable energy. ‘During the first nine months of the carbon tax our members experienced significant cost increases,’ said Brian Green, Chair of the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA). ‘Naturally, we expect the practice of some power generators passing through rates of up to 115% of their own costs to cease.’ ‘The sooner energy users can return to pricing that saves over $1.2 billion a year the better,’ said Mr Green. ‘We expect any savings to flow on to energy users, some of Australia’s largest employers.’ Whilst Mr Green welcomed the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s greater powers to monitor price movements and more teeth to enforce infringement penalties, he called for the momentum of decisiveness to continue. ‘The uncertainty surrounding the RET and ARENA needs to be resolved as quickly as possible,’ Mr Green said. ‘We have energy resources that make many of our major trading partners green with envy, but we also have policies that put energy users at a disadvantage on the global stage. ‘Removing the carbon tax is a step in the right direct but more needs to be done.’ Mr Green said. ‘Our leaders should continue this positive step forward, honing energy policies to deliver affordable energy to keep the economy well oiled.’