Expansion Of Gas Pipeline Capacity Welcomed By Energy Users

Expansion Of Gas Pipeline Capacity Welcomed By Energy Users

APA’s announcement of its East Coast Grid Expansion Plan that will progressively see increased availability of gas for eastern and southern gas markets is welcomed by the Energy Users’ Association of Australia, (EUAA), the leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users. “Manufacturers based in Australia’s southern states have become very concerned about the […]

Green Aluminium Production Credit Will Deliver Benefits To Industry, Regional Communities & Drive Additional Renewable Energy

The Federal Government’s announcement of a Green Aluminium Production Credit provides an important tool for the industry to continue to grow whilst helping Australia to reach its emission reduction goals, said leading advocate for commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) . “We congratulate the Federal Government on this […]

The Energy Debate Needs To Change

The release of the Federal Coalitions energy policy last Friday saw the usual round of technology driven debate and dissection of economic modelling.  The Energy Users’ Association of Australia’s (EUAA) view is this isn’t helpful as it ignores the key question – how are you going to do it? “All too often the energy debate […]

Victorian Government’s Confusing Gas Policy

A couple of days ago the Energy Users’ Association of Austraila (EUAA) publicly supported the Victorian Government’s belated realisation that we need to rapidly boost domestic gas supplies.  Confidence to invest in new Victorian gas supplies is near zero which means we need a consistent, cohesive set of policies to restore the confidence of those […]

Victorian Government Announcement To Fast Track New Gas Welcomed By Large Energy Users

The Victorian Government commitment to fast tracking new gas supplies to support local manufacturing, heavy industry and peak power generation is welcomed by leading commercial and industrial energy user advocate, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “The Victorian Government’s Economic Statement that lays out a plan to bring new gas to market and to […]

National Electricity Market Review A Critical Step Towards Ensuring The Best Outcome For All Consumers As We Strive For Net Zero

Today’s announcement of a review into the National Electricity Market, led by an expert panel of highly regarded and knowledgeable experts, is welcomed by leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “The path to net zero is becoming more challenging and so we welcome today’s announcement […]

Energy Users Welcome Policies That Deliver More Affordable Domestic Gas Supply

Numerous reports from independent bodies such as Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) clearly show that Australia has an urgent need for more gas, both for manufacturing and to support Australia’s transition to net zero.  Therefore, the proposal from the Coalition to widen the scope of the Capacity […]

Victorian Government Recognition Of Gas’ Key Role In Energy Transition Welcomed

Reports highlighting the Victorian government’s acknowledgement of the critical role for gas in our energy transition is welcomed by leading advocate for commercial and industrial (C&I) consumers, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “We welcome the comments made by the Victorian government, acknowledging the critical role of gas in our community, both in terms […]

Electricity Statement Of Opportunities Shows An Improved Outlook, But We Are Running Out Of Wriggle Room

The Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) released by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) provides a more positive outlook than last year which is pleasing to see, but we must remain alert to the ongoing risks, said leading advocate for commercial and Industrial energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA). “We congratulate AEMO […]

AER Delivers Balanced Outcome On Humelink

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today released its final determination on what it believes to be the prudent and efficient cost of the $4.6 billion Humelink project.  In it’s final determination the AER has approved total project costs that are approximately $300 million lower than that requested by project proponent Transgrid. “Getting these big […]

Joint Statement On The Need For Climate & Energy Policy Certainty

As Australia’s energy and climate ministers prepare to meet this week, our organisations reinforce the importance of a certain, credible and consistent policy framework to business, industry and investors; the community sector; consumers; advocates for the environment; farmers; people and communities experiencing disadvantage; property and the built environment; and workers. Australia’s energy systems provide an […]

Key Gas Market Reforms Still A Work In Progress   

The latest Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Gas Inquiry Report, released today, shows that while some progress is being made to build a workably competitive gas market, key reforms like the Gas Industry Code of Conduct are very much a work in progress, noted leading advocate for commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ […]

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