Energy users of Australia welcome today’s announcement of further choice in the way they purchase and manage their energy costs. This is a win for the rights of the consumer/user groups for a far more open and competitive market place. At today’s COAG Energy Ministers Meeting in Adelaide, ministers heard from stakeholders and then made […]
On Thursday 11 December, Energy Ministers will once again meet at the COAG Energy Council conference in Adelaide to decide issues at the heart of affordable, secure and reliable energy for this country. On the agenda is a simple decision: a rule change to give consumers and users choice of how they purchase and manage […]
The EUAA notes the Australian Energy Regulator’s media releases regarding its Draft Pricing/Revenue determinations for NSW, ACT and Tasmanian energy networks. “Our members, large energy users, continue to be severely affected by excessive energy prices, predominantly driven by exorbitant network costs,” said Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) Chief Executive Officer Phil Barresi, at the […]
Energy users welcomed yesterday’s release by the New South Wales government of the NSW Gas Plan by the Deputy Premier, the Hon Troy Grant MP and the Minister for Resources and Energy, the Hon Anthony Roberts MP. ‘As the voice of Australian energy users, we join many other national bodies in supporting moves to address […]
Australian energy policy needs to be separated from the populist social media cycle if our energy markets are to improve, according to the Hon Gary Gray, the federal Shadow Minister for Resources, opening Day Two of the annual Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) national conference, New Energy Paradigm- Better Energy. Better Business. ‘It’s never […]
Energy users from across Australia have gathered today at Crown Melbourne for the annual Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) national conference, New Energy Paradigm- Better Energy. Better Business. ‘We’re delighted to give Australia’s large energy users the opportunity to hear direct from our industry’s key influencers,’ said Brian Green, EUAA Chair. ‘During the next […]
Today’s speech by Mr Rod Sims – Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) at the Australian Energy Regulators’ conference in Brisbane calling for the sale of publiclyowned energy assets as well as well as energy policies that promote demand management rather than fixed charges is welcomed by the Energy Users Association of […]
Energy Users share strong concerns for the potential devastation to the manufacturing industry by the massive transformation currently experienced by Australian gas markets, as detailed in the Gas Market Transformations- Economic Consequences for the Manufacturing Sector Report, released last week by a consortium of industry associations. ‘This report is the first of it’s type,’ said […]
An alliance of six industry associations has today released the first comprehensive analysis of the impact of rapidly escalating gas prices on the Australian economy. The report projects significant negative impacts on Australia’s manufacturing sector and adverse effects extending to the mining, transport and agriculture sectors. These are significantly larger than the output impacts of […]
Energy Users welcome the end of the political debate as the Carbon Tax Repeal legislation passed through Parliament earlier this week, however urge the Government to continue energy policy reform to ensure affordable energy. ‘During the first nine months of the carbon tax our members experienced significant cost increases,’ said Brian Green, Chair of the […]
Energy users are disappointed by the authorisation of the acquisition of Macquarie Generation by market giant AGL, announced late yesterday afternoon by the Australian Competition Tribunal following opposition posed by the ACCC. AGL, Origin Energy and Energy Australia possess over 80% of the electricity retail market share. The EUAA voiced concerns in a submission to […]
The Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) today calls on the Commonwealth and State governments to reach agreement on a plan to privatise state-owned power assets. Providing extra funding to states in exchange for selling state-owned assets including electricity generators is the key to unlocking the inertia in further privatisation. The announcement comes ahead of […]
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