EUAA Submission: VNI West Consultation Paper – Options Assessment

EUAA Submission: VNI West Consultation Paper – Options Assessment

‘…This submission is short because we believe that the implementation of the NEVA order by the Victorian Government leaves us with virtually no ability to influence the PACR cost benefit analysis. While the NEVA order may speed up the process it does not fill us with confidence that the project will deliver net benefits for […]

EUAA Submission: National Battery Strategy Issues Paper

‘…the proposed National Battery Strategy comes at a time of escalating costs across the entire economy alongside the requirement for rapid transformation of the energy sector, including the need for batteries to provide firming capacity and other network services.  For EUAA members, electricity and gas costs have risen significantly and while there is still much […]

EUAA Submission: AEMO Reliability Forecasting Guidelines & Methodologies

‘… Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under the Reliability Forecasting and Methodology Consultation.  This submission supports the submission made by Shell Energy on this matter. EUAA agrees with all arguments put forth by Shell Energy. EUAA would like to draw particular attention to: Perceived Conservatism in AEMO’s Reliability Forecasts As stated […]

EUAA Submission: Safeguard Mechanism Reforms Positions Paper

‘…Like all business, EUAA member companies are also dealing with supply chain and labour constraints, significant increases in material costs, rising interest rates and broader impacts of inflation on overall costs and consumer demand. These issues will be accelerated in the short to medium term as the staggering levels of government support in the USA […]

EUAA Submission: Proposed ADGSM Guidelines

‘…In summary we support the proposed ADGSM Guidelines as part of a broader suite of gas market reforms being pursued by government. The revised ADGSM, the Heads of Agreement between the Commonwealth and LNG Shippers, the proposed Gas Industry Mandatory Code of Conduct with “fair and reasonable” pricing provisions and ongoing market monitoring and reporting […]

EUAA Submission: Victorian Gas Access Arrangement Proposal 2023-2028

‘…This submission provides a combined response to the Revised Proposals presented to the AER by AGN, Multinet (MGN), and AusNet Services (AusNet) gas distribution networks in Victoria for the period 2023-2028. Both AGIG and AusNet Services are EUAA Corporate Partners so we have a well-established relationship built over many years of open and respectful dialogue […]

EUAA Submission: Gas Industry Mandatory Code of Conduct

‘….The EUAA strongly supports the Federal Government’s proposed mandatory code of conduct (the Code) for the east coast gas industry. ACCC reports have repeatedly shown over the last six years that the east coast gas market has failed to provide a competitive outcome for consumers with producers being able to exercise market power. Our members […]

EUAA Submission: Incorporating An Emissions Reduction Objective Into The NEO

‘After reading the AEMC’s “How the National Energy Objectives Shape Our Decisions”, the inclusion of emission reduction objectives in the national energy laws would appear to have little-to-no impact, as state and federal emissions reduction and climate policies are already considered in all decisions. However, further analysis shows that the most likely impacts for the […]

EUAA Submission: 2022 Forecasting Accuracy & Improvement Plan

‘…This short submission supports the submission made by EUAA Supporting Member Shell Energy on this matter. EUAA agrees with the arguments put forth by Shell Energy. EUAA would like to draw particular attention to ….’   Please download attachment to read full submission.

EUAA Submission: Transgrid 2023-2028 Revenue Determination

‘….As we highlighted in our previous submission, the most striking aspect of the engagement to date, including recent engagement, was not what was included but what was not included in the engagement process, with many ISP and REZ contingent projects seemingly “out of scope”. While technically this can be justified, a very strong desire was […]

EUAA Submission: ESB Transmission Access Reform Directions Paper

‘Thank you for the opportunity to make another submission on Transmission Access Reform. As we have said in previous submissions, efficient transition and management of our energy system will require close coordination between new entrant generation and efficient levels of transmission infrastructure. We had long-hoped that transmission access reform, in its many guises, would deliver […]

EUAA Submission: Gas Price Cap Instrument

‘…The EUAA has consistently highlighted, and the ACCC has consistently concluded, the existence of market failure in the east coast gas market. This has been caused by a combination of factors highlighted by the ACCC in its regular gas market reports. We agree that while a price cap is a relatively blunt instrument, more preferable […]

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