Code Of Conduct Released – It’s Now Up To The Gas Industry To Deliver Fairer Outcomes For Australian Business & Households
Emily Wood | July 10, 2023
The release of the final details of the Mandatory Gas Code of Conduct, that outlines new rules under which gas will be sold domestically in Australia, puts the onus firmly on the gas industry to supply Australian business and households with gas at a fair and reasonable price, said leading advocate for the large commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA).
“We welcome the provisions in the Mandatory Gas Code which outlines guidelines that aim to create a fair and sustainable relationship between gas sellers and gas buyers,” said EUAA Chief Executive Officer, Mr Andrew Richards.
“Over the coming days we will consult with our members, as they are the ones who have to negotiate gas contracts to sustain the business, to ensure the code will work for them.”
The uncertainty surrounding the details of the Mandatory Gas Code of Conduct had been blamed for lower volumes of gas being offered to large C&I in recent months despite plenty of uncontracted gas being available. With the details of the gas code now released, the EUAA expect gas offers to resume at normal volumes.
“With gas being a critical input into so many essential goods produced by large C&I in Australia such as bricks, steel, food, packaging and glass, we expect that now the code has been released that large C&I will have better outcomes in terms of price, supply and contract terms,” said Mr Richards.
The Mandatory Gas Code of Conduct has been developed in consultation with producers, retailers and energy users and will be managed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
“We congratulate the government on taking affirmative action on behalf of Australian energy users and we look forward to working with the government and ACCC as they monitor the code’s implementation,” said Mr Richards. “While there are a number of exemptions listed in the code, including for retailers, our expectation is that everyone will work to ensure this code is sufficient to deliver better outcomes for domestic gas users.”
The EUAA is the peak body representing Australian industrial and commercial energy users. EUAA membership covers a broad cross section of the Australian economy including significant retail, manufacturing and materials processing industries. Combined EUAA members employ over one million Australians, pay annual energy bills in the many billions of dollars and support the development of a lasting national energy and climate change plan that puts downward pressure on electricity and gas costs.
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Media Contact: Emily Wood 0421 042 121