Energy Users Welcome the Re-integration of Energy & Emissions Portfolio in New Morrison Government
Emily Wood | May 27, 2019
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) congratulates the Morrison Government on their return to office and welcomes the determination of Ministerial portfolios.
“We congratulate all ministers on their appointments in particular to Angus Taylor on his reappointment as Energy Minister,” said Chief Executive Officer, Mr Andrew Richards.
“The re-integration of emissions into the energy portfolio is welcomed and we look forward to working constructively with Minister Taylor to support actions that achieve better outcomes for consumers through a coordinated approach to managing the transition of energy markets and to achieve our emissions reduction targets.”
The EUAA represents some of the largest energy users in Australia across both gas and electricity. Collectively this group pays billions of dollars in energy bills annually and employs significant numbers of Australians across industries including plastics, producing food, bricks and other building materials, fertilisers and healthcare products to name a few.
The challenges faced by large energy users have been amplified in recent years with costs rising dramatically along with the threat of increased obligations and risks. Many large energy users are at the forefront of innovation to reduce their energy use and increase energy productivity whilst lowering their emissions.
“With the re-election of the Morrison Government we look forward to continuing to actively patriciate in the extensive workplan already underway including on the Integrated System Plan and Retailer Reliability Obligation,” added Mr Richards.
“We will continue to seek further action in gas markets where market liquidity and affordable supply are issues that still require urgent attention.”
Gas plays a central role in the manufacturing of many essential items such as bricks and health care. The increase in gas prices by up to 300% in recent years has put added pressure on manufacturers who are struggling to remain competitive in the Australian market. Added to this, gas plays a central role in the electricity market – it is used for short term response and in doing so, it effectively sets the electricity price.
Media Contact: Emily Wood 0421 042 121