EUAA Submission: AEMC Draft Determination - National Electricity Amendment (Unlocking CER Benefits Through Flexible Trading) Rule (ERC0346)

EUAA Submission: AEMC Draft Determination – National Electricity Amendment (Unlocking CER Benefits Through Flexible Trading) Rule (ERC0346)

Emily Wood | April 11, 2024

‘… The EUAA sees benefits in creating consistency in the regulation of the services that are currently being supplied through third parties (such as FRMP’s) with those that already exist for retailers.

The EUAA understands that Consumer Energy Resources (CER) refers to many different technologies that may be utilised differently with different price signals. These include behind the meter energy generation that may be directed to export, or equipment to reduce demand on a consumer’s site.

The EUAA notes that the Energy Security Board (through its Consumer Energy Resources and the Transformation of the NEM – Critical priorities to support Transformation: A call to action, 2024) and AEMO’s Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) 2023 both indicate that the coordination or orchestration of CER is extremely important for future system security and reliable operation of the NEM. This position is further supported by Energy Networks Australia’s (ENA) Electricity Transformation roadmap that states that $16 billion in network infrastructure investment would be avoided by CER/DER orchestration. Given these findings by different bodies, the EUAA would expect to see a simple structure for CER trading to encourage maximum participation, and that the case for implementation would include estimates of the benefit accruing to consumers, the owners of the CER…’

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