EUAA Submission: AEMC Draft Rule Determination on RERT
Emily Wood | March 21, 2019
‘We have taken a close interest in the recent debate around the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT). This came to prominence when some of our members received large, unexpected invoices in the first half of 2018 to cover over $52m in RERT costs in 2017/18.
Unfortunately, there was no transparency around how the particular costs were calculated and requests to AEMO for greater clarity were not answered. Some of our members are about to receive large RERT invoices for their share of the $34.2m in 2018/19 RERT costs. Again, requests to AEMO for more transparency around how the costs are calculated have been unsuccessful. This is one of many reasons why the EUAA very much welcomes the very comprehensive overall package presented by the AEMC in the Draft Rule Determination.’
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