EUAA Submission: AER Electricity Transmission network Service Providers Service Target Performance Incentive Scheme Proposed Amendments

EUAA Submission: AER Electricity Transmission Network Service Providers Service Target Performance Incentive Scheme Proposed Amendments

Emily Wood | February 3, 2025

‘… The EUAA supports the design of incentive schemes in order to achieve efficient, cost effective and equitable outcomes for networks and consumers. If an incentive scheme is no longer working, the EUAA encourages re-designing the incentive scheme so that it functions as it was intended. With a changing NEM, this may require regular updates of incentive schemes.

It is clear to us that the Market Impact Component (MIC), Network Capability Component (NCC) and Service Component (SC) of the STPIS are currently not working as they were designed, that is, to encourage TNSPs to act in the best interests of consumers with respect to outage timing, network improvements and reliability respectively.

We support the AER in its efforts to find workable solutions for these three components of STPIS….’

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