EUAA Submission: Amending The Administered Price Cap

EUAA Submission: Amending The Administered Price Cap

Emily Wood | October 14, 2022

‘…The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) makes two comments on the Directions Paper.

  1. We were surprised and disappointed to see the endorsement of the Draft Decision by the CEO of
    Energy Consumers Australia. We do not think it is good practice for the Commission to use a stakeholder endorsement in a Directions Paper (or indeed any decision). There is a submissions process for all stakeholders to express their views. In this case it had the effect of saying consumers supported the rule change and sent a message to other consumer advocates that any submission they made that differed from the Directions Paper would be a waste of time. This is a long way from best practice engagement.
  1. We believe the Directions Paper misrepresented the EUAA view on the rule change. The Directions Paper says (p.12):

“The EUAA is not in favour of an increase in the APC….”


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