EUAA Submission: Capacity Investment Scheme – Public Consultation Paper
Emily Wood | August 31, 2023
‘…The EUAA welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) Public Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper). Our comments will be relatively brief given it is clear that most of the key design decisions have already been made and that the initial round of CIS auctions has already commenced1.
Identified Need
It is clear that the deployment of dispatchable capacity must be accelerated if we are to achieve the objectives we have identified in the introduction to this submission. Recent reports of significant cost escalation and material delays in large, long duration dispatchable capacity such as Snowy 2.02 and potential delays in Marinus Link3 that will connect pumped hydro resources in Tasmania is concerning. It is clear that state governments are equally concerned, and we have recently seen the Victorian Government acting to ensure existing thermal generation remains in place until such time that equivalent dispatchable resources are in place4…..’
Please download attachment to read full submission.