EUAA Submission: Demand Side Participation Forecast Methodology & Information Guidelines
Emily Wood | September 29, 2023
‘…While the EUAA support the demand side participation (DSP) mechanism to drive additional flexible demand- response from commercial and industrial (C&I) consumers, we acknowledge that participating in such a mechanism is not seen as a high priority for many C&I consumers. To increase their participation, any mechanism must represent a relatively simple, low risk and low-cost opportunity.
The EUAA sees benefits in creating consistency in the regulation, collection of data and clear guidelines for DSP. The EUAA notes that the current proposed updated methodology for DSP forecasting and guidelines require data from several sources, including consumers and market dispatch offers (for Wholesale Demand Response -WDR – participants). This is in addition to the CER rule changes currently being considered by the AEMC which also requires data submission by consumers. The EUAA would encourage the market bodies to coordinate and combine the collection of data and the responses, particularly from consumers, who are primarily focussed on producing a product or service and not focussed on the electricity market, system security or reliability issues which should be predominantly dealt with by generators, network service providers and the market operator (i.e. the electricity industry)…’
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