EUAA Submission: Draft Guidelines to make ISP Actionable
Emily Wood | June 26, 2020
‘As we noted in our previous submission on this matter, the EUAA recognises the need to comprehensively evaluate the best pathways to a decentralized and decarbonised electricity system. The challenges that uncertainty on the timing of thermal plant retirement, increasing extreme weather events and the integration of new and emerging technologies, all require sophisticated analysis tools. We support the development of the ISP and see it having a crucial role in facilitating this transition pathway at the most efficient cost to consumers, provided there is thorough, transparent and respectful engagement and robust, independent cost benefit analysis.
The AER has undertaken a very comprehensive and thorough engagement process in the development of these draft guidelines. We would like to acknowledge the excellent staff efforts to explain the details not just to the EUAA, but also the consumer advocates generally. This has been very valuable in our coming to the conclusions that:
(a) We agree with the AER’s proposed position in developing the guidelines, and
(b) We agree with the level of prescription the AER provides in the guidelines.
We add some brief comments below on how the AER propose to deliver the guidelines. The EUAA looks forward to continuing its active role in stakeholder engagement as the 2022 ISP is being developed…’
Please download attached to read full submission.