EUAA Submission: Electricity Supply Options For North West CRIS
Emily Wood | February 28, 2022
‘…We appreciate the opportunity to respond to the CRIS. Our ability to respond to the questions asked has been constrained by the absence of detailed information in the relatively short CRIS. Normally a public consultation on a major policy proposal of this nature would have provided much more data and analysis in a public document and there would have been at least one public forum for the NWMP Options Team to make a presentation and stakeholders to ask questions. This is the approach taken in other jurisdictions to energy market issues that have similar major impacts on the price’s consumers pay for the energy supply1.
This submission is based on the information provided in the CRIS plus answers provided by the NWMP Options Team to questions the EUAA submitted. The NWMP Options Team’s response to the questions seeking an explanation behind details of Option 2 was that the CuString modelling used to support the business case was ‘commercially sensitive and cannot be shared’. This lack of information means we have had no ability to review the modelling – assumptions, methodology, sensitivities and results – of all three options….’
Please download attached document to read full submission.