EUAA Submission: Energy Security Board – Converting the ISP into Action

EUAA Submission: Energy Security Board – Converting the ISP into Action

Emily Wood | June 21, 2019

We are supportive of a more centralised approach to whole of system planning that the ISP seeks to achieve. We believe the ISP is a useful investment guide that can shape investor decisions.

However, again we are concerned with what we perceive to be a desire to elevate the ISP above the existing regulatory checks and balances such as robust RIT-T assessment and the existing reliability standard.

As we have stated on many occasions, the tension that currently exists between the need to make the ISP “actionable” and consumer concerns over increasing energy bills can be somewhat alleviated with a more equitable sharing of the cost and risks associated with such long-lived assets being deployed in a rapidly changing market.

We note that AEMO is pursuing the next iteration of the Integrated System Plan (ISP) while the AEMC is running a parallel CoGaTI process. Both are important for consumers as they set the direction of energy market investment…


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