EUAA Submission: ESB Post 2025 Market Design Consultation Paper
Emily Wood | June 9, 2021
‘We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Post 2025 Market design Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper) and acknowledge the significant amount of work undertaken by all of those involved with the ESB.
The active and increasing level of direct intervention by Commonwealth and State Governments has meant it has been difficult to respond to the ESB’s proposals. We fundamentally see reliance on market-based measures as central to an efficient NEM that is in the long-term interests of consumers.
Our members understand that Government intervention with tax-payers money does not impose specific costs on energy users, but when the risk averse driver of this intervention also drives other market measures that create a very conservative regulatory framework, costs are imposed on consumers who are not best placed to bear that risk and who certainly are not prepared to pay the additional cost when the benefits of that conservatism appear to be small…’
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