EUAA Submission: ESC Powercor Australia Ltd Electricity Transmission Licence Application

EUAA Submission: ESC Powercor Australia Ltd Electricity Transmission Licence Application

Emily Wood | June 14, 2024

‘… Powercor currently holds an electricity distribution licence under the Electricity Industry Act (Victoria) 2000 (EI Act) in the western half of Victoria.  The EUAA understands that Powercor has applied for an electricity transmission licence to cover the same geographic area as its current distribution licence to improve competition for the connection of customer facilities to the transmission network, including planning, designing, building, upgrading, owning, operating and maintaining transmission infrastructure, (terminal stations and lines up to and including 220kV).  The licence would enable Powercor to bid and perform works for dedicated transmission network connections or, more likely, transmission network augmentations required to facilitate new or augmented distribution network connections.

The EUAA has reviewed all of the documentation provided by the ESC on Powercor’s application and have come to the decision to support Powercor’s transmission licence application.  We believe that Powercor meet all of the requirements of a transmission licence holder, and that having two transmission licences in the western half of Victoria will create direct competition in an industry of monopolies…’

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