EUAA Submission: Gas Resolution and Dispute Resolution Consultation

EUAA Submission: Gas Resolution and Dispute Resolution Consultation

Emily Wood | July 24, 2023

‘… The EUAA supports the AEMC creating consistency between the East Coast Gas System (ECGS) and the Designated Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM), including the compensation and dispute resolution mechanisms, recognising that AEMO has more influence and control over the DWGM than it does the ECGS. The EUAA believes consistency between the two systems would create less confusion between the markets and allow for more efficiency and effectiveness of the disputes processes, putting downward pressure on costs and therefore consumer bills.

However, the EUAA is concerned that AEMC has not provided the cost impacts of the proposed rule change, for consumers or any market participant, including expected changes in the number and size of disputes, the costs of managing the disputes, nor a mechanism for collecting the compensation amounts or the operating costs of the new procedures and guidelines. Without this information, the EUAA is unable to fully support the rule change at this stage….’


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