EUAA Submission: Humelink Early Works Stage 1 CPA

EUAA Submission: Humelink Early Works Stage 1 CPA

Emily Wood | May 30, 2022

‘… The EUAA supports the pursuit of net zero targets and support building new transmission infrastructure that will help enable it.  However, we must pursue net zero at least cost, not at any cost.  Central to this outcome is that new transmission delivers robust net market benefits along with ensuring that consumers do not wear the risk of cost over runs or the consequences of poor decisions made by others.

The EUAA makes this submission as a long-term member of the Transgrid Advisory Committee (TAC) as well as a member of the recently established TAC sub-committee, the Energy Transition Working Group (ETWG), set up to discuss projects, like HumeLink, in more detail.  We have also engaged directly with Transgrid on this early works CPA. We thank them for their willingness to listen and discuss the complex and challenging issues we have raised ad provide additional information that is included in this submission and which will be made available to the AER for publication on their website…’

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