EUAA Submission: Improving Consultation Procedures in the Rules
Emily Wood | February 3, 2022
‘…The EUAA appreciates recent efforts by the energy industry, regulatory bodies and governments to improve stakeholder engagement and to ensure energy users have a voice. However, the pace of change in energy markets is relentless and organisations like the EUAA have difficulty in covering all matters that influence our members electricity and gas supply. This is particularly the case given the significant number of consultations that are concurrently underway. Given the rapid change in energy markets we do not see this frenetic pace slowing down so we are constantly making hard decisions about what to be involved in and what we need to let slip past.
In one sense the chance to streamline the consultation process, as the rule change proposes, should be welcome by organisations such as ours. It could allow us, for example, to be involved in more consultations across a wider scope of activities. Yet, what at first glance may appear attractive may not always be so on closer examination. There are good reasons for using two stage consultation processes for important issues. What AEMO may regard as procedural or of lesser importance, our members may regard as very important. Our members may have a different view from AEMO as to what is consistent with the NEO….’
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