EUAA Submission: National Electricity Amendment (Accomodating Financability In The Regulatory Framework) Rule

EUAA Submission: National Electricity Amendment (Accomodating Financability In The Regulatory Framework) Rule

Emily Wood | February 8, 2024

‘…The EUAA support the pursuit of net zero targets but this must be achieved at least cost, not at any cost.  Additionally, we seek an equitable allocation of the costs and risks associated with the transition as all too often energy consumers are expected to carry the heavy weight of market (i.e. shareholder and/or debt providers) risk that should sit with market participants.  We firmly believe that this transfer of risk is inconsistent with the NEO.

The EUAA welcomes the opportunity to make this brief submission to the National Electricity Amendment Accommodating Financeability in the Regulatory Framework Draft Determination (Draft Determination).

While acknowledging the Draft Determination does contain some improvements over the original rule change (largely process related matters), the EUAA continues to be concerned because this rule…’

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