EUAA Submission: National Electricity Amendment (Providing Flexibility In The Allocation Of Interconnector Costs) Rule (ERC0383)

EUAA Submission: National Electricity Amendment (Providing Flexibility In The Allocation Of Interconnector Costs) Rule (ERC0383)

Emily Wood | April 11, 2024

‘…The EUAA is aware of issues related to fairness and equity for consumers in allocating interconnector costs for new interconnectors, particularly Marinus Link. Utilising the existing NER cost allocation methodology, Victorian and Tasmanian consumers would pay a similar gross amount. When these similar amounts are disbursed amongst the individual consumers, an individual Tasmanian consumer would pay significantly more than a Victorian consumer due to significant differences in population. This is an inherently inequitable approach and significantly disadvantages one region over the other. The EUAA agrees that this inequity in the National Energy Rules (NER) needs to be corrected.

We also recognise that this inequity can impact the viability of a project….’

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