EUAA Submission: NSW Roadmap – LTESA Design
Emily Wood | September 14, 2021
‘As we have stated in previous submissions, we would prefer a nationally consistent approach to climate and energy policy and are concerned that significant and diverse market intervention by governments is unlikely to lead to a least cost outcome for consumers. We note that the ESB have expressed similar concerns and have attempted to provide some nationally consistent frameworks for government to follow in their recent Post 2025 Market Design Final Report to Ministers.1 We encourage governments to heed the ESB advice and guidance as they design their own jurisdictional schemes so as to maximise both national consistency and ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, costs associated with jurisdictional schemes are subject to market forces (i.e. they are “in-market”) as opposed to a regulated cost or simply smeared across the customer base as a cost pass through (i.e. they are “out-of-market).
Having said that we respect the right of state governments to make policy in this area. Therefore, the EUAA welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the Long-Term Energy Service Agreement Design Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper). We appreciate the effort that DPIE is making to engage with consumers via the Consumer Reference Group. We trust the comments, concerns and suggestions we have raised during the consultation on LTESA design are taken into account along with this submission…’
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