EUAA Submission: Project Marinus Project Assessment Draft Report

EUAA Submission: Project Marinus PADR

Emily Wood | April 6, 2020

‘…New investments in energy infrastructure such as Project Marinus are not immune from these risks but are still likely be required over the coming decades as an enabler of the transition to a near zero energy market . Many of these investments will be designed to link different, sometimes remote generation resources to the market and in particular are likely to be required to support the continued deployment of large scale solar and wind. In this regard, we can certainly see the potential for Project Marinus to deliver long-term, NEM wide benefits.

However, we caution that during this time of significant change and uncertainty it will be vital to remain flexible regarding project scope including capacity and timing. We also urge you to consider new approaches to cost recovery that seek to spread the cost and inevitable risks over a broader group of stakeholders, including generators, than is currently the case.

It will also be vital to maintain important consumer safeguards such as a robust Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T), rational reliability standards and strong, independent oversight by economic regulators…’

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