EUAA Submission: Review of Interim Reliability Measure

EUAA Submission: Review of Interim Reliability Measure

Emily Wood | April 13, 2023

‘…This submission does not support the extension of the Interim Reliability Measure (IRM) beyond its current expiry date of 30th June 2025. Contrary to what the Commission argues in its Draft Report, we do not consider an extension is in the long-term interests of consumers.

…As the Draft paper notes, the selection of the reliability standard is a trade-off between reliability and the value which consumers place on it. This is done through the formal review process of the Reliability Panel which in its most recent 2022 review, recommended, after extensive analysis and modelling:

“…to retain the current level of the reliability standard at 0.002% expected USE in a region over a financial year for the review period from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2028.


“The benefits of changing the level of the reliability standard from 0.002% USE to 0.0015% USE are not sufficiently material to justify a change.”

We agree with the Panel’s recommendation. If there is no economic justification to move to 0.0015%USE, there is certainly no economic justification to move to 0.0006%USE…’

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