EUAA Submission: South Australia - Amendments of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 To Establish A New Planning & Forecasting Function

EUAA Submission: South Australia – Amendments of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 To Establish A New Planning & Forecasting Function

Emily Wood | January 5, 2024

‘… The EUAA notes that the whole of system planning function of the National Energy Market (NEM) was transferred to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) by each NEM jurisdiction when AEMO was established by the Council of Australian Government’s.  This has allowed AEMO to develop and publish the important biennial Integrated System Plan (ISP), establishing a plan for transitioning the transmission network throughout Australia to zero-emissions and a 100% renewable grid.  The EUAA also notes that this function of AEMO is separate to the South Australian transmission system planning that is undertaken by ElectraNet….’


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