EUAA Submission: TransGrid Rule Change Request

EUAA Submission: TransGrid Rule Change Request

Emily Wood | June 17, 2021

‘We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Transgrid Rule Change “Efficient Management of System Strength on the Power System”.

The EUAA has had extensive discussions with the Commission as it considers this rule change. While the approach of system strength services being provided by a TNSP to a number of generators is reasonable, we are not convinced that consumers should be the party to bear the costs and risk.  We see no good reason why the generators who benefit from this central provision of system strength should not pay for it.  In particular, we do not consider that the rule change address the fundamental issue about consumers bearing a risk of over-procurement of system services from it becoming a TNSP prescribed service.

We do not share the Commission’s view that…’

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