EUAA Submission: Transmission Planning & Investment Review
Emily Wood | September 30, 2021
‘The EUAA recognise the transition to a net zero energy system is inevitable. Therefore, the focus of our advocacy on behalf of energy users is not on the what (a net zero target) but on how we get there in the most efficient and least cost way. As the transition to net zero essentially requires a re-wiring of the grid the EUAA welcomes this very timely review.
Electricity consumers are being asked to support large expenditures for transmission augmentation to facilitate the transition away from reliance on thermal generation. Again, our members support that transition. They also support the need for a fit for purpose regulatory framework that ensures there is neither over nor underinvestment in the transmission network and that it is built at just the right time, or as close to it as practical…’
Please download attached to read full submission.